About PlaygroundSpot

PlaygroundSpot is dedicated to helping families find the perfect playground for their children. Our comprehensive directory features playgrounds across the United States, with detailed information about amenities, accessibility, and more.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: make it easy for families to discover great outdoor play spaces. We believe that outdoor play is essential for children's physical, social, and cognitive development. By providing a comprehensive playground directory, we aim to encourage more families to explore their local parks and playgrounds.

How We Gather Our Data

PlaygroundSpot's database is built through a combination of public data sources, partnerships with local parks departments, and contributions from our community of users. We work hard to ensure our information is accurate and up-to-date, but we also rely on playground visitors like you to help us improve our listings.

If you notice missing or inaccurate information about a playground in our directory, please let us know! We're constantly working to expand and improve our database.

Our Team

PlaygroundSpot was founded by a group of parents who were frustrated by the lack of comprehensive playground information available online. Our team combines expertise in web development, user experience design, and a genuine passion for creating better resources for families.

Get Involved

We're always looking for playground enthusiasts to help us expand our database and improve our listings. If you're interested in contributing to PlaygroundSpot, we'd love to hear from you!

Contact Us