Photo of Billy Goat Trail

Billy Goat Trail

11710 Macarthur Blvd, Potomac, MD 20854

About this Playground

Hiking trail along the Potomac River with 1 steep, strenuous section, 1 moderate & 1 easy stretch.

Features & Amenities

Information not available

Hours & Age Appropriateness

Operating Hours

Monday: 7AM-7PM
Tuesday: 7AM-7PM
Wednesday: 7AM-7PM
Thursday: 7AM-7PM
Friday: 7AM-7PM
Saturday: 7AM-7PM
Sunday: 7AM-7PM

Age Recommendations

Age range not specified

Location & Directions

Map showing location of Billy Goat Trail

11710 Macarthur Blvd

Potomac, Maryland 20854