Photo of Mālaekahana State Recreation Area

Mālaekahana State Recreation Area

56-020 Kamehameha Hwy, Laie, HI 96762

About this Playground

Picturesque beach cove & tropical woodland with a few picnic tables, a camping area & restrooms.

Features & Amenities

Information not available

Hours & Age Appropriateness

Operating Hours

Sunday: 7AM-6:45PM
Monday: 7AM-6:45PM
Tuesday: 7AM-6:45PM
Wednesday: 7AM-6:45PM
Thursday: 7AM-6:45PM
Friday: 7AM-6:45PM
Saturday: 7AM-6:45PM

Age Recommendations

Age range not specified

Location & Directions

56-020 Kamehameha Hwy

Laie, Hawaii 96762