Winchester Lake State Park
1786 Forrest Rd, Winchester, ID 83555
About this Playground
Winchester Lake State Park is a popular spot if you enjoy fishing for rainbow trout, catfish, or the elusive Tiger Muskie. Other activities during the summer include hiking, mountain biking or meandering around the lake in a canoe or other craft. Winter activities include cross country skiing, snowshoeing and ice fishing. If you spend the night in Tamarack, our deluxe yurt, you can enjoy the two included bicycles on a ride around the park. All four of our yurts have a canoe included during the summer and snowshoes during the winter. Or stay in one of several peaceful campsites surrounded by beautiful Ponderosa pines with a number of sites having a view of the lake.
Features & Amenities
Information not available
Hours & Age Appropriateness
Operating Hours
Age Recommendations
Age range not specified