Photo of Rustic Canyon Park

Rustic Canyon Park

N, 7311 Cll Aragon, La Verne, CA 91750

About this Playground

Amenities consist of a playground & adjacent picnic table at this tiny, half-acre park.

Features & Amenities

Information not available

Hours & Age Appropriateness

Operating Hours

Monday: 6AM-8:30PM
Tuesday: 6AM-8:30PM
Wednesday: 6AM-8:30PM
Thursday: 6AM-8:30PM
Friday: 6AM-8:30PM
Saturday: 6AM-8:30PM
Sunday: 6AM-8:30PM

Age Recommendations

Age range not specified

Location & Directions

Map showing location of Rustic Canyon Park

N, 7311 Cll Aragon

La Verne, California 91750