Whitewater Preserve
9160 Whitewater Canyon Rd, Whitewater, CA 92282
About this Playground
Whitewater Preserve is 2,851 acres surrounded by the Bureau of Land Management’s San Gorgonio Wilderness and includes the year-round Whitewater River. Rich riparian habitat hosts the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher and least Bell’s vireo, and provides opportunity to see migrating summer tanagers and vermilion flycatchers. The canyon has a robust population of bighorn sheep, deer and bear, and is an important wildlife corridor between the San Bernardino and San Jacinto Mountains. The Wildlands Conservancy purchased an additional 3,200 acres in the Whitewater corridor that were donated to the Bureau of Land Management. These donated lands include sand dunes that are home to the endangered fringe-toed lizard at Windy Point.
Features & Amenities
Information not available
Hours & Age Appropriateness
Operating Hours
Hours information not available
Age Recommendations
Age range not specified