Jen's Place, LLC
1286 Chambers Ave, Eagle, CO 81631
About this Playground
Jen's Place, LLC was created to provide an all inclusive sensory gym so ALL children can learn through play. I wanted to create a place of comfort so families can ask questions, receive help and if you don't need help you can just come have fun with us!! Jen's Place, LLC is not just for children with disabilities, it is a playful space for everyone. But if you have received an assessment from physical, occupational or speech therapy and need help with implementation, I can help! Although I do not assess or evaluate children with disabilities, I can look over reports and see how I can help in a play setting. Do you need extra help with Individualized Education Plans? I can help! And if you don't need any assistance, just come play!
Features & Amenities
Information not available
Hours & Age Appropriateness
Operating Hours
Hours information not available
Age Recommendations
Age range not specified